第2集最后一句how i met your mother接着是寻妈记的片头响起这真是像是一阵久违的清风吹进我的耳朵莫名的温馨与美好呀看了25季之后还能让我有如此高涨的热情这是它的魅力最后一集大家都应该看看不求大富大贵不求万人敬仰只愿睡得安神戏剧电影大全是现在这个社会极少有的美德真是百看都不厌
Personally I think the loveline is so lame. Or the gun fight. The battle. The Kung Fu. The big scenes. And I can't believe that it is a 1999 film. In 2015 when I watch it for the first time, it says exactly everything in my mind.